
Title Description Posted Date
Dancing in the island The romantic islands of Hawaii is symbolised by the sensuous Hula dance. Rekha Pal delves into its history on a visit to the volcanic islands 30-Aug-2014
The Healing Sea Want that famous “been there done that” picture of reading a book while floating on your back in water? Well, Dead Sea in Jordan beckons tourists offering not just the FB cover photo, but also a healing touch to skin and lungs . Sujoy Dhar checks out the lowest point on earth 16-Aug-2014
Freud Museum: Cave of Memories Vienna’s Sigmund Freud Museum highlights the prolific travels of the founding father of psychoanalysis in an exhibition to mark the 75th anniversary of Sigmund Freud’s death in 1939 – from relocating to Vienna as a three year old to his escape and exile in London as the Nazis advanced. Sujoy Dhar visits the museum in the Austrian capital 06-Aug-2014