
Title Description Posted Date
Summertown Porvoo Founded nearly 800 years ago, Porvoo is the second oldest city in Finland and evidence of its long history can still be seen and felt as you walk its charming streets. For centuries, the city has served as both a home and a source of inspiration for many Finnish artists. 30-Jun-2013
On The Move in Snowy Helsinki As the snow falls, the idyllic summer town is replaced with something completely different, but equally alive with opportunities for a great time. Helsinki is a compact town, in the best possible way. As the snow envelops the city in an expectant silence, there’s always action around the corner and you never have to trek very far. 30-Jun-2013
The Dead Sea How far does one have to descend to reach the Dead Sea? About 400 meters below sea level. How deep is this salty lake? Almost the same (in the northern section). Fascinating? Absolutely! Every detail about the Dead Sea is fascinating. 30-Jun-2013