11:02:47 PM Monday, 31-3-2025


Title Description Posted Date
Minaret of Jam The Minaret of Jam is located in the Shahrak District, Ghor Province, by the Hari River. The 62-metre high minaret surrounded by mountains that reach up to 2400m, was built in the 1190s, entirely of baked-bricks. It is famous for its intricate brick, stucco and glazed tile decoration, which consists of alternating bands of kufic and naskhi calligraphy, geometric patterns, and verses from the Qur'an. 07-Sep-2013
Discover Britain's Religious Buildings Religious buildings among top tourist attractions in Britain, visiting churches and cathedrals is the top priorities of visitors to the nation. Britain's holy spaces are not only calm oases for a spiritual moment many are home to welcoming cafes, music concerts and some of the finest public art in the country. Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Travelbugshow Twitter : https://twitter.com/Travelbugshow Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/ventunotrave l A Ventuno Production : www.ventunotech.com 06-Sep-2013