
Title Description Posted Date
Taiwan: An island full of surprises beck...

In the geopolitical tug-of-war between Mainland China and the smaller landmasses around it, Taiwan stands out like no other. This tiny island — some six Taiwans could fit into the large north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh — found its independent voice following the 1949 civil war between the Nationalists led by General Chiang Kai-shek and the Communists led by Mao Zedong.

Classical Khon masked dance drama of Tha...

Kolkata: Bathed in moonlight, the resplendent marble edifice stood like a mute witness to the passage of time, watching the scene unfolding around it, just as it has watched for well over a century.

A kiss in front of The Kiss? Vienna muse...
As Valentine's Day approaches, journalist Arnab Nandy shares his most recent encounter with the world's most famous kiss on canvas. Gustav Klimt's The Kiss at the Belvedere museum in Vienna, depicting a kissing couple in passionate embrace against a gold, flat background at the edge of a flowery meadow, holds your gaze.